Pfeil brings you high-quality textile conveyor belts designed for bulk material handling.
They are the most versatile, flexible and light weight but strong conveyor belts, being a conveying solution for all industries.
We supply them with two-ply to six-ply, and in standard widths up to 2400mm.
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Depending on the conveyed material the maximum angle of inclination is 20° (approximately).
For steeper angles, Chevron belts will be required.
Chevron conveyor belts are the ones designed for conveying material in higher angles of inclinations, providing non-sliding and profiled surfaces.
PFEIL chevron conveyor belts are the product of a hot vulcanizing process, being integrally vulcanized with the top cover of the belt.
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Sidewall Conveyor Belts
Designed for conveying almost all materials (different weights) at angles up to 90°.
The sidewall belts components: The base belt, Sidewalls and Cleats.
One of the advantages of PFEIL sidewall belting is the use of cross-rigid base belts. These belts can be deflected from the horizontal to a perpendicular angle and back again without any bowing in it.
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We offer different types of conveyor belts and a wide variety of covers, bringing specific solutions properly adapted to each one of our client’s necessities.